The Board consists of nine members who each serve three-year terms. As of November 2019, Board members are publicly-elected to the Board. One student representative and one student alternate represent each of the district's five high schools on the board.
2023 Annual Meeting Notice
Notice is hereby given by the Camden Advisory Board of Education, Camden County, New Jersey, that the regular monthly meetings of the Advisory Board of Education shall be held at 5:30 P.M., on the following dates and locations, occurring the fourth Tuesday of every month unless otherwise noted due to holidays, district closings or mandated training. All meetings will be in person in district buildings.
The Camden City School District Advisory Board will conduct its regular board meeting in person.
If you have any questions or concerns, please email us at advisoryboard@nullcamden.k12.nj.us.
Advisory Board Members
N'Namdee Nelson
Term Ends: Jan. 2028
Jeanette Alvarez
Term Ends: Jan. 2028
Gabriel Camacho
Term Ends: Jan. 2026
Derrick Gallashaw
Term Ends: Jan. 2026
Wanda Garcia
Term Ends: Jan. 2028
Cameron Hudson
Term Ends: Jan. 2028
Danielle Jackson
Term Ends: Jan. 2026
Karen Merricks
Term Ends: Jan. 2027
Maria Perez
Term Ends: Jan. 2028
General Information
All residents are invited to attend the meeting and/or participate in the 30 slot Public Comment portion of the meeting by following the directions below.
Consistent with the district’s normal practice, the meeting will be recorded and shown on Channel 19 and YouTube. (Please be aware that it will not be aired on Channel 19 live.)
On February 12, 2021, under the leadership of Superintendent McCombs, we proudly announced that we are now partnering with Latino Spirit to provide recorded board meeting translation services. All translated meetings can be found on our CCSD YouTube Channel HERE. Please note: in-person translation services are also available.
Individuals seeking to comment at the board meeting must sign-up in advance.
The sign-up sheet will be available for one hour before the meeting (4:30 p.m.) up until the start of the meeting (5:30 p.m.).
When the public comment portion of the meeting begins, commenters will be called to speak in the order in which they signed.
Please note that the rules for public comment will be followed during the board meeting, including limiting all comments to 3 minutes.
The Board agenda for the meeting will be accessible on the Advisory Board’s webpage, located at the following: https://go.boarddocs.com/nj/camden/Board.nsf/goto?open&id=CDXNBV5F2009. The agenda will be posted at least one hour prior to the start of the meeting.
Any questions about accessing the agenda, or signing-up to provide public comment, can be directed to publiccomment@nullcamden.k12.nj.us.