Accounts Payable
The Accounts Payable office is responsible for the systematic data collection, processing of purchase orders, and input for payment of invoices on a monthly basis. Each month, deadlines are imposed to successfully accomplish the timely payment schedule.
Invoices are considered for payment by the Camden City School District on a monthly basis. In order for Accounts Payable to process invoices in a timely manner, please submit your invoice prior to the deadline. Invoices submitted after the deadline date will not be processed until the following month. For a list of the deadline dates, please contact the Accounts Payable Office.
Accounts Payable Office
1033 Cambridge Street
Camden, New Jersey 08104
Aida Bosque-Tercero, Manager of Accounts Payable
(856) 966-2000, Ext. 38802
Nicole Brown, Accounts Payable Specialist
856) 966-2000, Ext. 63849