Report Bullying
According to New Jersey Education Statute 18A:37-15, "School districts shall adopt a policy prohibiting harassment, intimidation or bullying on school property, at a school-sponsored function, or on a school bus."
The Camden City School District prohibits the harassment, intimidation or bullying (HIB), of any student. Anyone can report an incident of harassment, intimidation or bullying by clicking on the HIB Reporting Form below. Once the form is completed please submit the form to the Principal or any other appropriate District/School Administrator. The HIB Reporting Form below can also be submitted anonymously to the Principal or any other appropriate District/School Administrator.
Employees and/or Volunteers are required to report any allegation of bullying within 24 hours of the alleged incident to the building Principal. This can be done by using the HIB Reporting Form below.
For anti bullying information, resources and support please reach out to the following individuals:
School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Ms. Dina Smith
School Anti-Bullying Specialist
Pamela Clark
District Anti-Bullying Coordinator
Linda Carter
Camden City School District