About the Principal

Medinah Dyer is the Principal of R.T. Cream Early Childhood Center. R.T. Cream Early Childhood Center is an early childhood school that is located in the Centerville area of Camden City. It serves preschool students ages 3-4. At R.T. Cream Early Childhood Center, students are provided with a high quality, inclusive education in a warm and welcoming environment. Our goal to fuel our students love of learning through powerful interactions and meaningful experiences. We are committed to collaborating with our families and the community to ensure our students’ learning is maximized. As a result, a solid social-emotional and academic foundation is established to support our students’ educational pursuits.
Prior to Mrs. Dyer’s position as lead educator, she was an Educational Program Specialist for the Office of Early Childhood. In this position, she was able to have a greater impact on the quality of education provided to our youngest learners. In this role, Mrs. Dyer was a coach and mentor to Camden City’s early childhood educators while providing classroom support and professional development.
Previously, Mrs. Dyer taught pre-kindergarten for 15 years in addition to kindergarten in both Trenton and Camden. Upon her tenure in the classroom, she was a model classroom teacher, recognized for Teacher of the Year at ECDC and served as a teacher partner for the Creative Curriculum.
Mrs. Dyer was born and raised in Camden and is a former student of Camden City School District. Upon graduating from Camden High School, she obtained her Bachelor’s of Arts from Lafayette College. She also has a Masters of Education in School Leadership from Wilmington University. Mrs. Dyer is married to Almar Dyer and has three daughters.