Parent’s Rights
- The right to request evaluation for Support Services (such as Physical Therapy and Speech Therapy).
- To be provided with a safe and pleasant environment for all.
- To be kept informed of important school events and student progress.
- To have nutritious meals served to their child.
- An assessment of individual student needs and the right to be part of the process.
- Parent education programs.
- For students who qualify, an Individualize Education Plan, which is kept confidential and only shared with staff members working with students and parents.
- An annual review of their child’s IEP (if applicable).
- An effective education provided to their child.
- Teacher and parent conferences 2 times per year.
- An inter-disciplinary curriculum to reflect the integrity, ability and level of performance for each child.
- Field trips both in or out of the school to enrich classroom experiences.
Parent’s Responsibilities
- Be sure your child attends school regularly and on time.
- Keep the school informed of current contact information for parents, guardians and others authorized to pick-up your child.
- Write notes explaining lateness and absences.
- Supply a doctor’s note after three days of absence.
- Wait until the start of the school day (8:30 a.m.) before leaving your child in the building.
- Sign parent forms while attending meetings at the school and upon entering the building.
- Place early dismissal requests for students in writing at least 24 hours in advance.
- ALWAYS know the name and classroom number of your child’s classroom teacher. Be sure to provide this information to the individuals on your child’s pick-up list.