Academic Programs
The Honors/Advanced Placement (AP) Program is designed to prepare highly motivated students of above average academic ability for entry into a competitive college. These designated courses provide concentrated investigation into various subject areas. Intense reading and independent research projects constitute a major portion of their selected courses. Placement in these courses are determined by student performance, by teachers’ recommendations and by guidance review of student’s achievement. Students not recommended for this program may petition for reconsideration to the Supervisor or Guidance.
The Academic Program is designed for students who have average, or above average, academic ability. The program provides the rigorous preparation required for entry into a college program. The State of New Jersey established the following MINIMUM criteria for acceptance into a New Jersey college or university:
- 4 years of English
- 3 years of Social Studies
- 2 years Lab Science
- 3 years of Math (Algebra 1, Geometry and Algebra I)
- 1 year of Fine and Performing Arts
- 4 years of Heath and Physical Education
- 2 years of a foreign language, plus the successful completion of HSPT
The Vocational Program is designed for students who may wish to enter the world of work upon completing high school. Students’ attendance, attitudes and academic success are important consideration in the selection process for cooperative education classes. NOTE: Students may possible be denied admission to a Cooperative Work Study Program if they have not passed any parts of the New jersey High School proficiency Test. Since passing this test is required to receive a high school diploma. Remediation classes must take priority over cooperative education classes.
Compensatory Education is program for students whose proficiency in basic communication and computational skills is below state/district standards. These students are assigned to a program of remediation and prevention through the English, Math and Reading departments. Students are identified by multiple criteria including local and state Early Warning Test (EWT), the state 11th grade High School Proficiency Test (HSPT), the California Achievement Test (CAT-%), and final grades in each basic skill subject area. Parents and students with questions regarding these programs, or assignments to these programs, should see the guidance counselor.
Special Education is an intensified program developed for students with identified learning problems who require close instruction. Based on the Child Study Team recommendation and an Individual Education Program (IEP), assistance may be given in one or more of the basic areas such as language arts, math, history, and science. The Child Study Team bases eligibility on an individual; student evaluation and recommendation. Parents and students interested in learning more about the program should contact the Director of Special Services, located at the Board of Education office.
Bilingual Education is a program for students with limited English proficiencies. Provisions has been made for selected course offerings, which utilize both English and the student’s native language. Primarily limited to the courses, which can fulfill graduation requirements, the bilingual structure permits students to proceed with greater rapidity and comprehension than would be possible in the regular monolingual setting. It also ultimately augments and reinforces English fluency. The primary focus of the program is to enable students to function effectively and comfortably in an all English language environment. Students are tested each year using the Maculitis test to determine whether or not they will remain in the bilingual program.