Employee Self Service
Camden City Public Schools - Employee Online
Employee Online (EO) is a web-based portal enabling Camden City Public Schools employees to easily access various employment and pay-related records, forms and websites. To protect confidential information, EO requires users to log in using a valid employee username and password. See information below regarding access and use Of EO.
Log in to the 2022 Employee Self-Service Portal
- Open your browser and navigate to http://www.doculivery.com/Systems3000-camden
- Click HERE for some general log-in instructions
Log in to the 2018 EO Portal
- Open your browser and navigate to https://powerschool.camden.k12.nj.us/ifas7/login/login.aspx?ReturnUrl=%2fBusinessPlus%2femployeeonline%2fEOHomePage
- If you have access to BusinessPLUS and have used it before you can log in with those credentials.
- If you do not have access to BusinessPLUS your username is EOO followed by your 4 digit employee ID.
- My Employee ID is 0339 therefore my username is E0000339
- Your password for the first time logging in will be your social security number without the dashes.
- If my SocialSecurity Number is 123-45-6789 my password is 123456789
Log in to the 2020 EO Portal
- If you have access to SMARTS and have used it before you can log in with those credentials
- If you do not have access to SMARTS access Click on Forgot Password. Click on Send Reset Password Token. The system will send you an email with instructions to log in.
- Your User Name is your district email therefore your username is youremailname@nullcamden.k12.nj.us
- Follow the instructions on the Reset Password Token email.
- Record your password for future access.
Open your web browser and navigate to: https://selfserve.camden.k12.nj.us/login;r=%2Fdemographics
Need Assistance with Logging on to Employee Online?
You should always logon to Employee Online by using your BusinessPLUS Login and Password. There is no longer a separate login and password for this type of employee record and pay information.