Discipline Codes
Students must report to classes on time (5113)
- Cutting of any classes will result in a parent conference; detention and no credit for missed work and probation card
- Continued cutting will result in no participation in all extra-curricular activities and failure of the marking period
Students must respect all staff members (5131 & 5131.5)
- Profanity; obscene language or verbal assault spoken to any adult will result in a parent conference; 3 day administrative detention or in-house suspension
- Continuation of this offense will result in 5 days suspension; notify police and parent conference
Students placed on parent conference cannot enter the building without a parent (1251)
- Trespassing/unauthorized school visitation will result in notifying parent; notifying truancy; and option of notifying police
- Continued trespassing will result in charges being filed and possible expulsion