Each staff member at Yorkship Family School accepts responsibility for the maintenance of discipline and for the promotion of a program for the development of wholesome human relations. A student's behavior should conform to acceptable standards of conduct as established by the district, administration and teacher.
The staff requests parental support in helping maintain appropriate conduct in the school. Children's behavior should reflect self-respect and consideration for the rights, feelings, and property of others.
At Yorkship Family School:
- If a student breaks a rule, he/she will have a warning and conference with the staff member that observed the student's behavior.
- A conference will occur with administrator and/or counselor, depending upon the severity and nature of the infraction.
- The administrator will meet with the parent, student, and/or teacher.
- Depending upon the severity and nature of the infraction, the guidance counselor, administrator, or teacher should recommend intervention strategies through the guidance counselor or Pupil Assistance Committee.
- School suspension is carried out through district policy. The district requires that:
- All school and district rules be enforced fairly and consistently
- School and classroom rules be demonstrated, displayed, and enforced.
- Students following rules be rewarded.
- Students not following rules be given consequences.
Fighting, Rough Housing, or Abusive Language - Students involved in a physical assault or using abusive language with another person while attending school or a school-sponsored activity will be disciplined accordingly.
Gum, Candy, Junk Food, Glass Bottles, and Can Drinks - are not to be brought to school, except for special projects that have been scheduled by the teacher and approved by the principal.
Personal Items - Cell phones, playing cards, Walkman, Gameboys, toys, toy guns, and CD/DVD players are prohibited on school grounds. Yorkship School is not responsible for expensive items brought to school that may be lost or stolen.