About Us
The H.B. Wilson School was named for Henry Braid Wilson, a leading citizen of Camden and the father of Admiral Henry B. Wilson Jr., for whom the Admiral Wilson Boulevard was named after. The school, whose plans were approved by architect Arthur Truscott, opened in 1907. There were eight classrooms above a basement. Daisy Y. Ferber was the first principal. As Camden's school-age population grew, the need for additional classroom space did so too. In 1915 land adjacent to the existing school was purchased. In 1919 a contract was awarded to expand the existing school. Earl Light served as principal in the early 1920s. In 1936 additional students began attending the H.B. Wilson School who had previously attended the Evered School on Ferry Avenue, which had been closed at the end of the 1934-1935 school year. Many other Camden schools at this point were anywhere from 40 to 670 years old, and applications were filed with the federal government for funds to improve them. In April 1939, the WPA notified the board that they approved the board's application for improvements to Central School and Central Annex, Mickle, Yorkship, Stevens, and H. B. Wilson Schools.