Clear Bag Policy
Effective immediately, we will be implementing a clear bag policy for all sporting events and major school events for the upcoming school year. This policy aligns with similar regulations in place at college and professional stadiums. We kindly ask for your cooperation and understanding as we prioritize safety and security for everyone attending our events. Click HERE to view a message from Superintendent McCombs on the Clear Bag Policy.
Frequently Asked Questions
Q. What happens if I show up at the facility entrance with a bag that is not permitted?
A. Prohibited bags will be turned away from the facility before they reach the entrance. There is no area for bag storage, so bags will need to be returned to your vehicle, out of plain sight.
Q. Can I place my non-clear bag inside of a clear bag?
A. No. If a non-clear bag is placed inside of a clear bag, it will not be allowed in the venue. Small, pocket-sized wallets are allowable.
Q. Is a tinted, but “see through” bag allowed, if it meets the size restriction?
A. No. Color tinted bags do not comply with the Clear Bag Policy.
Q. Can patrons carry cameras, smart phones or other approved items separately from what they put in a clear bag?
A. Yes. Phones and cameras can be carried into the facility so long as it is not in its own bag.
Q. Are diaper bags permitted?
A. Diapers and wipes can be carried in approved clear bags, however non-clear diaper bags are not permitted. Persons with infants and toddlers may utilize a clear book bag as a diaper bag.
Q. If I have certain items that I need to bring into the stadium for medical reasons and they won’t fit in the clear bag, what do I do?
A. Medical bags do not have to be clear. Medical bags will be searched.
Please direct any additional questions to your school’s Athletic Director.